Road Trip Wednesday: NaNoWriMo Inspiration

Hello lovelies,
So how you doing there? Freaking out yet? It’s day 14 of NaNo and let me tell you, I’m still having a blast! YA Highway has been such an awesome picker-upper during my morning routines with their Carpool emails, I don’t even know how to thank them!
Life has been rocky for me with a death in the family, but NaNo has really helped me find a way to focus on something other than grief and I’m kind of thankful for that. And today’s topic is kind of perfect:

Topic: Tons of writers are in the midst of NaNoWriMo, trying to stay inspired as we reach the dreaded middle. Share your most inspiring and/or motivational video, book, or quote on writing.

Road Trip Song of the Week: Some Nights by Fun.

So here are some inspiration for you Nanoers:

There is all the goodness on Tumblr:


Then there is Youtube:

Or you know, this is always helpful 🙂


I’m kidding. I love Nick! 🙂

Basically, anything that’s not writing my NaNo words inspires me to write. Is that weird? It’s just taking that step away from trying to figure out my character’s lives recharges me. How about you?

How’s NaNoWriMo treating you?

Happy writing, 

7 thoughts on “Road Trip Wednesday: NaNoWriMo Inspiration

  1. Haha that smile comment is gold. I'm not doing NaNo this year but those videos are pretty awesome!


  2. I love love love that Suck It video. I think I've thought about it at least once per day since starting NaNo!


  3. I love both of those videos. In fact, I love them so much that I think I'm just gonna spend the afternoon watching Youtube videos…

    (NO! Bad writer! No! I *will* get to the halfway point of NaNo today if it kills me!)

    (It might kill me.)


  4. “Smiling is a sign of weakness”…

    I am so stealing that. Hopefully I can say it with a straight face. Too funny!

    Sometimes the best writing moments happens away from writing, when you have time to think over the characters and get new ideas. Here's hoping the second half of Nano goes well!


  5. Just watched both videos and they were fantastic! I've been sort of wondering what's up with this whole nerdfighter thing. Now I'm thinking I might be missing out on something. 🙂


  6. THAT FIRST PIC! *swoon* LOL
    I'm gonna watch those videos right now … thanks!


  7. Glad to hear you're having fun with NaNo! I signed up for the Carpool emails before I decided not to do NaNo, but I'm enjoying the daily inspiration.

    I like what you chose in this post – Some Nights is such a great song, and I love John Green and Maureen Johnson. 🙂


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