In My Mailbox #22:Bookish Things Edition

Late night at work, but hey look! Book Goodies!
Special thanks to Harper Collins! Shatter Me is great!
Wait! I forgot about my NetGalley books!

Both of these were FA-BU-LOUS!!!! I’ll be posting reviews soon!! 
And special thanks to Entangled Publishing for my copy of Shadowlander! You can find my review here.

What is in your mailbox?
Much love,

11 thoughts on “In My Mailbox #22:Bookish Things Edition

  1. Glad to hear Shatter Me's good. I've been longing to read it for some time 🙂

    YA's the Word


  2. Incarnate is beautiful!


  3. I have Dearly, Departed in my TBR pile and I can't wait to get to it! Incarnate is definitely gorgeous! Great books :0)

    My IMM


  4. I hear Dearly, Departed is really good! I have it from NetGalley that I still have to read…

    Michele | IMM


  5. I found Shatter Me at the shops last week and grabbed myself a copy. Good to hear you're liking it. I'll have to make time for it soon.


  6. I got Incarnate this week as well! 😀 It sounds fantastic! Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads


  7. Great set! I really want to read Dearly Departed and Incarnate. Glad you liked them.
    My IMM


  8. I read Shatter Me and Shadowlander as well and though both were great! I'm reading Icarnate now and like it so far! 🙂 And I also got Dearly Departed this week!' I hope you enjoy them all! 🙂


  9. oh so jealous you got Incarnate =) I hope you enjoy it! I hope it's as awesome as its book cover!!


  10. I've heard mixed reviews on Dearly Departed so I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've got Incarnate sitting on my shelf. I just need to read it now. Great stack of books this week!

    My Mailbox


  11. Oh no! I really hope Johnny didn't ruin Maze Runner for you. He is newer to blogging so he doesn't get spoilers I guess. I should warn people around the video though!

    Happy reading!


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